Research Database for Regenerative MS Therapies

CLICK HERE or the image below to see the Research Database.

We are at the dawn of a new era in MS research. Therapies that are regenerative, even curative, are now in clinical trials. Join the Solving MS Research Study Group on Facebook for discussions of therapies on the Research Database, including new treatments and Research Profiles.

What is missing is a way to track all these trials in ONE PLACE in a pipeline format that shows when the trials will reach phase 4. This is when it can be prescribed. The Solving MS Research Database is the only source that provides this crucial information.

Solving MS is tracking over 100 therapies in our database. Full access to detailed Research Profiles on these therapies is available.

Solving MS - The Regenerative MS Trial Finder
Column 1 – Overall Score reflects the most important criteria to Solving MS members – when can I get it? Phase 4 is when it can be prescribed by your doctor.
Column 7 – Estimated year phase 4 is reached and prescribing begins. This is especially important to those with advanced disability or older age that excludes them from participating in a trial. For those who do meet inclusion criteria, you can apply for these trials now.

The Research Profiles are designed to ensure you are well informed before discussing it with your doctor. Please do not show your doctor this entire Trial Finder list, they may not have time to go through it. First do your own research, to see if there is a trial you can enroll in.

Step 1 – In the Solving MS Regenerative Trial Finder, find a trial for your MS type that is Recruiting, then click the title of the Research Profile.
Step 2 – Review the trial details, starting with location. Is it close enough that you can get to it? Do you meet the inclusion criteria?
Step 3 – Go to the Contact section and confer with the trial coordinator, to confirm you fit the trial criteria.
Step 4 – Now you are prepared to discuss this with your doctor. Feel free to print or send the link to the Research Profile to your doctor.

What if you don’t qualify for a clinical trial? Solving MS is also profiling therapies that are in trials, but are also available either as an off-label prescription, or over-the-counter supplements. The Anti-Viral profile is an example of a therapy you can discuss trying with your doctor. Compare results to the Research Database to see if trials are regenerative.

Solving MS content is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

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